As you know, Sane in Bedford is not about partisan politics, it is about restoring fiscal sanity, whether it be here in our school district or our county or our state. Yes, I am a Republican, but I have often been frustrated with Republicans on the fiscal front. Sadly, this frustration reaches a different order of magnitude as I survey the Democrat landscape.
With this in mind, I have some recommendations for Tuesday, should you still be on the fence.
Harry Wilson for State Comptroller. With apologies to my friend Nan Hayworth, this is the single most important election in terms of its direct impact on you and me. The State Comptroller runs New York’s finances, and it has been the playground of crooks and con artists. Alan Hevesi is on his way to jail. Tom DiNapoli, the incumbent, wasn’t elected. He was an insider appointment, and he has no idea what he’s doing. Harry Wilson is hugely qualified, so much so that he endorsements from both the NY Post and the New York Times – something Republicans never get. Absolutely everybody has endorsed this guy, but he’s still an underdog because most voters don’t even know what a State Comptroller is and will just blindly pull the lever for the Democrat.
Bob Castelli for State Assembly. If it seems like we just got done electing Bob, you would be right. He was elected in a special election this February. But in only a short time, he has followed through on his promises, among them introducing legislation to repeal the Triborough Amendment. How the public sector unions must hate him, but that’s why he needs your vote. The Record Review endorsed Bob after not endorsing him in February (see: NY Times, infrequency of Republican endorsements).
Dan Donovan for Attorney General. Both Donovan and his Democrat opponent, Eric Schneiderman, are running on platforms of cleaning up Albany. Excellent. As you know, we can’t fix the budget mess in our school district until laws are changed in Albany, and this can’t happen until the corrupt ass clowns up there are thrown out of office or arrested (less Mr. Castelli, of course). The problem is that Schneiderman is completely in bed with this crowd and had been for some time. They are among his primary contributors. He won’t change a thing.
Anyone but Cuomo for Governor. Cuomo is a vile man, something that we will all come to realize once he is governor. Yes, he has said some good things re limiting state spending on the campaign trail, but even Democrat insiders tell me all this will be forgotten once he’s in power. Does anyone really think Cuomo will take on the teachers unions, his single biggest supporter? Not a chance. But make no mistake, he’s going to win. Sadly, his opponent, Carl Paladino, has run an inept campaign, and it’s questionable whether he has the mental balance to be an effective governor. Here’s why you should vote for him anyway: if Cuomo wins by a surprisingly narrow margin, his feet will be held to the fire and he won’t view his office as a sinecure.
The Two Senate Seats: repeat advice from above.
Last but not least, Nan Hayworth for Congress. On day one, Nan might be the smartest member of Congress (see: Ivy League Tea Partier). But we all know there are lots of smart people with seriously screwed up ideas. Nan’s not one of them. Most importantly, she is committed to curtailing government spending. They all say that, I know, how many have promised not to bring earmarks back to their districts? John Hall has never seen a dollar of other people’s money he didn’t want to spend. The guy is a walking moral hazard and has to go. This race is a dead heat.
This will be the most important election our country has held in quite some time. Maybe not since the Carter/Reagan election has there been such clarity of choice between two competing visions for our country. But I stress to all those who are endorsed here: your feet will be held to the fire. We are not voting for you because there happens to be an “R” next to your name. We couldn’t care less. When your words become actions, we will happily support your re-election.
See you Tuesday.