Thursday, February 17, 2011

Moving to Facebook


Much of this will now be moved over to Facebook. Please find and "like" the page "Freeze New York School Budgets Now."

This is going to be a very important effort. We need it to go viral around the state, because the big battle is now with Albany. I will continue to post now and then on this blog on issues that are strictly local.

Please go to the page and hit "suggest to friends" and send it to everyone you know who might be sympathetic. You can even send it to out-of-state friends who are on our side. The goal here is a big number - 500,000 or more.

For too long the broad, diffuse interests of the taxpayer have taken a back seat to narrow, loud, and well-funded interests. Social networking is how we even the playing field.

Let's make it happen.

P.S. If you're not on facebook, please consider it. It is not frivolous, and grows more important as an organizational tool by the day.

Monday, February 14, 2011