- The host from 20/20 said Indian Point supplied 20% of our regional power. This is inaccurate. Depending on the time of day/year, it's actually as high as 40%. It is a huge source of power.
- While I will credit Mike Kaplowitz for acknowledging that we'll have to build a large gas or coal fired plant to replace IP, neither he, nor anyone else, mentioned cost. Long Island has the highest electric bills in the nation because they are still paying for the de-commissioning of Shoreham. Close IP, and we will leapfrog them.
- There is a moral dimension to increasing the cost of local living that few seem to consider. Higher energy costs are, essentially, a regressive form of taxation, i.e. it affects the poor and middle class the most. Does anyone think that's desirable?
- I thought Bedford 20/20 was all about decreasing carbon emissions. The immense new coal or gas plant that would replace IP would produce lots of emissions. IP produces zero.
- The Japan earthquake, which was much discussed, was 1000 times as powerful as the biggest earthquake ever recorded in our area. Even then, it was the tsunami that did the real damage. It is simply not possible for events like these to happen in Buchanan, NY. We don't live in the ring of fire.
- Even if we did shut down IP, we'd be left with the spent fuel rods, which are most people's area of concern. Shut down the plant and the net result is a huge spike in our cost of living and yet no reduction in (perceived) danger.
And as for the minister who asked us all to consider the "spiritual" aspects of the issue, I confess I have no idea what she was talking about. I hope her church can afford a higher energy bill.